Security Roles are used to control what functions each User can access in the IMEC platform. Users can be assigned to multiple Security Roles.

To add a new Security Role, start by logging into the Incidents portal:

  1. Click the drop-down menu.
  2. Hover over System Access.
  3. Click Roles.
  4. Click New.

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Now, you can enter the Role details:

  1. Enter the Role name.
  2. Checkmark the features this Role can access. Please note: Each header can be expanded to further drill-down on access.

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Proceed to the next section:

  1. Select which Users are included in this Role.
  2. Click the three dots, and Save. If you click Save and Close, you will be brought back to the list of Roles.

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To edit a Security Role, click the Role name.

To copy a Security Role, highlight name, and click Duplicate.

To remove a Security Role, highlight name, and click Delete. Please note: A Security Role cannot be removed if it is in use.

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