Users are any employees who need access to the IMEC web portal. Users can be restricted to only see certain functions and information.
To add a new user, start by logging into the Incidents portal.
- Click the drop-down menu.
- Hover over System Access.
- Click Users.
- Click New.
Now, you can enter the User's details:
- Enter the Email Address. This must be a valid email address, and once it has been created, it cannot be changed later. This is to ensure you can audit the actions performed by this user.
- Enter the Full Name.
- Select the Time Zone.
- Select the Language.
- Enter a temporary Password. Confirm the Password.
- Enable this Eser.
- Send the Activation Email. This contains a link to create their password.
- Select one or more Roles.
- Click the three dots and Save. If you click Save and Close, you will be brought back to the list of Users.
To duplicate a user, highlight the name, and click Duplicate.
To edit/disable a user, click the name, uncheck the Enabled box, click the three dots, and Save.
Please note: Users cannot be completely deleted. This is to ensure you can audit the actions performed by this user. Disabled users do not take up one of your user licenses.