Categories and Subcategories are used to indicate what type of Incident, Hazard, or Near Miss has occurred.

To add a new Category, start by logging into the Incidents portal:

  1. Click the drop-down menu.
  2. Click Categories.
  3. Click New.

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Now, enter the Category details:

  1. Select the Type.
  2. Enter a Category name.
  3. Select the Form to be used.
  4. Click Update.

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Now, you can add Subcategories:

  1. Highlight the Category name.
  2. Click New.

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Now, enter the Subcategory details:

  1. Enter a Subcategory name.
  2. Select the Form to be used.
  3. Optional: Select if this Subcategory is OSHA or RIDDOR Reportable.
  4. Optional: Select if this Subcategory allows anonymous reporting, or if Name/Phone/Email/Facility are required upon reporting.
  5. Optional: Select which User(s) is notified when this Subcategory is recorded.
  6. Click Update.

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To edit a Category or Subcategory, highlight the name, and click Edit.

To remove a Category or Subcategory, highlight the name, and click Delete.

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